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System-wide `vim` config location might depend on your distro. On Ubuntu, it is located at `/etc/vim/vimrc`. # System-wide `vimrc` Configuration with Vim-Plug
To get the runtime paths right, you'll need to set them in the vimrc, like so:
This guide outlines the steps to set up a system-wide configuration for `vim` and install plugins using the plugin manager [Vim-Plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug). For more details on using `vim-plug`, other plugin managers, or individual plugins, consult their respective documentation or browse [VimAwesome](https://vimawesome.com/).
### 1. Setting Up the Configuration Directories
First, ensure that the necessary directories for system-wide vim configuration exist.
# Create the main vim configuration directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p /etc/vim
cd /etc/vim
Next, create the required subdirectories with appropriate permissions:
# Create directories for autoload, colors, plugins, session data, etc.
mkdir -m 755 autoload colors plugged session sessions
### 2. Installing Vim-Plug and Color Schemes
#### 2.1. Download Vim-Plug
Vim-Plug is the plugin manager that will be used to install and manage plugins. Download it to the `autoload` directory:
curl -fLo /etc/vim/autoload/plug.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim
Set the appropriate permissions for the downloaded file:
chmod o+r /etc/vim/autoload/*
#### 2.2. Install a Color Scheme (Optional)
You can choose a color scheme of your choice. For this example, we'll use the **Molokai** color scheme.
curl -fLo /etc/vim/colors/molokai.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomasr/molokai/refs/heads/master/colors/molokai.vim
Ensure that the color scheme file has the correct permissions:
chmod o+r /etc/vim/colors/*
### 3. Configuring the `vimrc`
The system-wide `vimrc` file location might vary depending on your Linux distribution. On Ubuntu, it is typically found at `/etc/vim/vimrc`. If the file doesn't exist, create it.
touch /etc/vim/vimrc
chmod 755 /etc/vim/vimrc
vim /etc/vim/vimrc
#### 3.1. Set Runtime Paths
To ensure `vim` recognizes the autoload, plugin, and color scheme directories, add the following lines to your `vimrc`:
```vim ```vim
set runtimepath+=/etc/vim/autoload set runtimepath+=/etc/vim/autoload
set runtimepath+=/etc/vim/plugged
set runtimepath+=/etc/vim/colors
``` ```
And edit other relevent lines accordingly, wherever the paths are specified.
#### 3.2. Enable Vim-Plug and Install Plugins
To initialize `vim-plug` and install plugins, add the following configuration to your `vimrc`. This specifies the plugin directory and lists the plugins you'd like to use.
" Initialize Vim-Plug
call plug#begin('/etc/vim/plugged')
" List plugins here
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim' " Example plugin for Rust syntax highlighting
" Add more plugins as needed...
" End plugin section
call plug#end()
#### 3.3. Enable Filetype Plugins and Indentation
To enable filetype-specific plugins and proper indentation, add this line to your `vimrc`:
filetype plugin indent on " Enable filetype-based plugins and indentation
You can also add any other custom configurations such as tab size, line numbering, or key mappings. For a comprehensive example, refer to [my vimrc](https://git.candifloss.cc/candifloss/dotfiles/src/branch/main/vim/vimrc).
### 4. Installing the Plugins
Once you've updated your `vimrc`, its time to install the plugins.
#### 4.1. Source the `vimrc`
After saving the changes to the `vimrc`, source it to apply the changes:
:source %
#### 4.2. Install Plugins
Run the following command to install the plugins specified in your `vimrc`:
This will download and install all the listed plugins.
### 5. Enjoy Vim with Plugins
Once the installation is complete, your system-wide `vim` should be fully configured with the desired plugins and color schemes. You're now ready to enjoy a fully customized `vim` experience!
### Troubleshooting
- **Permissions**: Ensure that the directories and files in `/etc/vim` have the correct read and execute permissions for all users who need access.
- **Plugin Conflicts**: If you encounter issues with specific plugins, check their documentation for configuration options or known issues.
Enjoy your new and enhanced `vim` setup!