173 lines
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173 lines
7.6 KiB
pub mod formats {
pub mod json;
pub mod plain;
pub mod rson;
pub mod serde;
mod notification;
use notification::{to_notif, Notification};
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub mod optparse;
use futures_util::stream::TryStreamExt;
use zbus::{message::Body, Connection, Result};
const SERVER_NAME: &str = "SNot"; // Server software name
const VENDOR: &str = "candifloss.cc"; // Server software vendor
const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); // Server software version, from Cargo.toml
const SPEC_VERSION: &str = "0.42"; // DBus specification version
const NOTIF_INTERFACE: &str = "org.freedesktop.Notifications"; // DBus interface name
// Properties of this server
fn server_properties() -> HashMap<String, String> {
let mut properties: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
properties.insert("ServerName".to_string(), String::from(SERVER_NAME));
properties.insert("Vendor".to_string(), String::from(VENDOR));
properties.insert("Version".to_string(), String::from(VERSION));
properties.insert("SpecVersion".to_string(), String::from(SPEC_VERSION));
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Options
let args: optparse::Cli = argh::from_env();
// Format: r|j|p
let op_format = match args.format {
Some(value) => {
// Reject invalid format option
if ["r", "j", "p"].contains(&value.as_str()) {
} else {
// Exit with error code
return Err(zbus::Error::from(std::io::Error::new(
"Invalid output format",
None => "j".to_string(),
// Verbose mode. Off/false by default
let verbose = args.verbose;
let connection = Connection::session().await?;
.request_name(NOTIF_INTERFACE) // Requesting dbus for this service name. Any other services/procs using this name should be stopped/disabled before this
let mut stream = zbus::MessageStream::from(&connection); // Convert connection to a MessageStream, yields Message items
// Notification id, restarts with each session
let mut notification_id: u32 = 0;
// Iterate on the message stream
while let Some(msg) = stream.try_next().await? {
// Check the method calls in the received message's header
if let Some(member) = msg.header().member() {
let member_name = member.as_str(); // Convert to &str for the match
match member_name {
"GetAll" => {
// Client requested all properties of the server. Extract the interface name from the message body
let interface_name: String = msg.body().deserialize()?; // This method has only one parameter, the interface name
// Check if the requested interface is the right one
if interface_name == NOTIF_INTERFACE {
// Properties for the interface
let properties = server_properties();
// Reply with the properties
connection.reply(&msg, &properties).await?;
if verbose {
println!("GetAll request received for interface: {interface_name}");
} else {
// Reply with an error
&"Unknown interface".to_string(),
if verbose {
println!("Unknown interface requested: {interface_name}");
"GetServerInformation" => {
// Client requested server information. Respond with: (Server_name, author, software_version, dbus_spec_version)
connection.reply(&msg, &response).await?;
if verbose {
println!("Request received: {member}\n\tName: {SERVER_NAME}, Vendor: {VENDOR}, Version: {VERSION}, DBus spec version: {SPEC_VERSION}");
// Remove this LATER
"GetCapabilities" => {
// Client requested server capabilities. Respond with the supported capabilities
let capabilities = vec![/*"actions",*/ "body", "body-hyperlinks"]; // Add more LATER
connection.reply(&msg, &capabilities).await?;
if verbose {
println!("Request received: {member}\n\tCapabilities: {capabilities:?}");
// Remove this LATER
"Notify" => {
// New notification received. Now, respond to the client with a notification ID
notification_id += 1; // This could be incremented or generated.
connection.reply(&msg, ¬ification_id).await?; // The client waits for this response in order to disconnect
// Get the body of the message
let msg_body: Body = msg.body(); // The body has 8 parameters, ie., 8 fields of a Notification object
// Convert the msg body to a Notification object
let notif: Notification = to_notif(&msg_body)?;
// Handle the notif
match op_format.as_str() {
"j" => {
println!("{}", ¬if.json()); // Print the json version
"r" => {
// Print the rson version
match notif.rson() {
Ok(rson_string) => println!("{}", rson_string),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to convert to RSON: {}", e),
"p" => {
println!("{}\n", ¬if.plain()); // Print the plain version
_ => {
println!("Onkown output format."); // This is probably unreachable
"CloseNotification" => {
// Client sent a 'close' signal. Extract notification ID of the notif to be closed from the message body
let notification_id: u32 = msg.body().deserialize()?; // This method has only one parameter, the id
// Tracking notifications by their IDs, closing them, and other features may be implemented later
// close_notification(notification_id);
if verbose {
println!("Closing notification with ID: {notification_id}");
// Respond to the client, acknowledging the closure
connection.reply(&msg, &()).await?;
_ => {
if verbose {
println!("Unhandled method: {member}"); // Other methods are either irrelevant or unhandled at this stage of development